Established in 2012, Hoboetech has worked on various IT projects with its client ranging from prominent Telecom companies in Pakistan to Government institutes. Over the years Hoboetech has developed the expertise to be one of most preferred vendors for leading Telecoms when it comes to major communication platform and application development.


12/13 K Block (Commercial Zone), Model Town, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

How it Works

Today’s competitive environment requires businesses to be close to their customers, this requires modern marketing tools. Considering this need of hour Hoboetech has designed an M-Ad platform. Our M-Ad is powered with advanced capabilities such as targeted marketing based upon user demographics & geography and marketing calculations such as ARPU.
M-Ad’s (Mobile advertisement) campaign designing process is redesigned to offload the operational work of Sales Channels to the fulfillment team(s). In addition, the discounting process has been automated in our M-AD at the platform level with the option to offer an additional discount based on factors not catered for in the platform.
Hoboetech M-Ad is a complete solution for managing marketing campaigns from package pricing, campaign execution, reporting to billing the customer.

“ Your partner in effective digital advertisement & campaign management.”

Used Case & Results

Hoboetech M-AD is being used by Jazz for running mobile advertisements. One of main features being used by Jazz is the location and industry-based (targeting people from specific industry) advertisements. Using our M-AD you can set geography to run an AD.
As, of now our M-AD has successfully managed more than 13,000 ad campaigns. People reached through this marketing campaign is more than 30,000K plus.  Thus, significantly adding millions of rupees in revenue for Jazz. The dashboard of our M-AD live shares the important data relevant for the user.